New Moon in Scorpio 20.11.2006 - 22:18 UT

New Moon in Scorpio

The New Moon is conjunct centaur planet Hylonome and square to plutino Orcus.

Hylonome was a beautiful centauress in love with a young centaur called Cyllarus. Cyllarus was wounded in battle by a spear and died in the arms of Hylonome. In her despair Hylonome killed herself with the same spear.

Hades was a god of the Underworld. The Romans called him Pluto, but they had also another god, Orcus, whose name refers to both the Underworld and the God of the Dead. Orcus was a punisher of broken oaths.

There is a Yod aspect pattern in the chart involving Mars, Eris and Logos. The apex planet is newly named dwarf planet Eris. Mythological Eris was a goddess of strife. Mars and cubewano Logos sextile each other and both are forming a quincunx (150 degrees) to Eris. The planets involved in a quincunx do not share the same quality or element, and the influence of a quincunx is said to be unpredictable, bringing strain and requiring adjustments. Mars is also opposite Sedna, a trans-Neptunian planet, named after the Inuit goddess of the sea, and square to dwarf planet Ceres.

The Sabian Symbol for 29° Scorpio is An Indian squaw pleading to the chief for the lives of her children. This is a symbol of the stark sacrifices the self must make in the common interest and of the high responsibilities the group must accept for the welfare of each individual, as these factors together create a functioning society and enable man to control his everyday world. Here is emphasis on the give-and-take in human allegiances, and a call for a balancing of rights and wrongs as a result of direct experience with the problems of self-fulfillment. The keyword is effectiveness. (Marc Edmund Jones)

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