New Moon in Leo — August 08, 2021, 13:50 UT

The New Moon in Leo is in conjunction with Mercury and Praamzius, a trans-Neptunian minor planet discovered by a Lithuanian astronomer Kazimieras Černis in January 2012. Praamzius is now opposite the midpoint of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius. When Praamzius was discovered, there was a New Moon in Aquarius, and the luminaries formed a t-square with Jupiter in early Taurus and Saturn in late Libra.

New Moon in Leo
Cubewano Praamzius was named in 2016 from Lithuanian mythology after the chief god Praamžius, an epithet of Dievas, the primordial supreme god in the Baltic mythology. According to the official naming citation, “Praamzius is the oldest and highest Lithuanian god related to the creation of the world. He is the god of the sky, peace and friendship in Lithuanian mythology.”

Quoting Jonas Trinkūnas, the founder of Lithuania’s neo-pagan movement Romuva: ”The world is eternal. It is continuously created by the eternal godly powers. According to Lithuanian mythology, the world is created and re-created by at least two gods – light and darkness, creation and destruction (Dievas and Velnias). Their relationship created harmony and vitality. – – – In the ancient Baltic faith, the mysterious origins of the world and its constant rebirth are mentioned with other names as well: Praamzis, Andojas, Pradziapatis, Sutvaras, Kurejas.”


In the picture above, Praamzius has the symbol of the crescent Moon on his head. The Crescent Moon phase begins approximately three and a half days after the conjunction of the New Moon. The word crescent literally means “increasing” or “growing”. In the seed metaphor, this lunation phase corresponds to the seed breaking out of its casing and pushing the first sprout above the ground.

Praamzius is said to be the ruler of time. The name Praamzius means “before time”. He has thus some resemblance with the Greek Cronus (Kronos) and the Roman Saturn.

In Greek mythology, Cronus was the god of time and the leader of Titans, the pre-Olympian gods. Cronus was said to be the father of the wise centaur Chiron. Cronus ruled during the mythological Golden Age of plenty and peace. The Golden Age was a period of peace, harmony, stability, and prosperity. Cronus was identified with the Roman god Saturn.

Saturn was described as a god of generation, wealth, agriculture, periodic renewal and liberation. He also became known as the god of time. In late antiquity, Saturn was syncretized with a number of deities, and began to be depicted as winged, as was Caerus (Kairos), the personification of opportunity, luck and favorable moments. The ancient Greeks had two words for time: chronos and kairos. The former refers to chronological or sequential time, while the latter signifies a proper or opportune time for action.

Saturn was especially celebrated during the festival of Saturnalia each December. Also Praamzius is celebrated in December at the Winter solstice, followed by the gradual return of the Sun.

Praamzius as the god of peace corresponds well with the astronomical eccentricity of this minor planet. The orbital eccentricity of an object determines the amount by which its orbit around another body deviates from a perfect circle. With an eccentricity of 0.003 in 2016, cubewano Praamzius had one of the lowest eccentricities of any trans-Neptunian object, and a more circular orbit than any major planet, including Venus, the least eccentric planet. Praamzius’s eccentricity varies a bit over time due to the position of the planets.

Some resemblance can be found also between Praamzius and the Green Man, the symbol of rebirth and seasonal renewal, although the Green Man is celebrated in spring or summer.

Sally Nicholls (born June 22, 1983), the prize-winning British children’s book author, has her Sun conjunct Praamzius in the beginning of the Cancer sign. Her first novel Ways to Live Forever: Every Minute Counts (2008), is a story of Sam, a child who is dying of leukemia. The book raises the question, what matters most when one hasn’t got time forever and every minute counts. Nicholls’s second novel Season of Secrets (2009) is based on the Green Man.

Chart of Sally Nicholls

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