New Moon in Libra — October 19, 2017, 19:12 UT

The New Moon at 26+ degrees of Libra was in exact opposition to Uranus in Aries. This could be a time for something new and brilliant to emerge. A change is about to happen.

The symbol of the Libra sign is the scales of justice. The New Moon in Libra in less than two degrees’ conjunction with 38083 Rhadamanthus, a trans-Neptunian minor planet discovered in 1999, is emphasizing the theme of fairness and justness. Another important theme of Libra is seeking balance.

38083 Rhadamanthus is a quite small body with the orbital period of circa 245 years. It is named after a wise king of Crete, and the son of Zeus and Europa, Rhadamanthus, who later became one of the judges of the dead. He was also said to be a tutor to Heracles.

Rhadamanthus was driven away from Crete by his brother Minos, who was jealous of his popularity. According to legends, on account of his inflexible integrity, Rhadamanthus was made one of the judges of the dead in the lower world. Homer (the author of the Iliad and the Odyssey) represents him as dwelling in the Elysian Fields, the paradise for the immortal sons of Zeus.

The Sabian Symbol for Libra 27 is “An airplane hovering overhead”. Dr. Marc Edmund Jones’s description for the degree speaks about how to cope at the moment of crisis in life, and also describes some good attributes for a just person: “This is a symbol of the psychological maturity of man on the ideal side of life, and of the imaginative resourcefulness of character which makes him an immortal being. Here is emphasis on experience as a means for achieving an over-all view of the world at large, and on the self-satisfaction which follows from seeing things in terms of their consequences and relationships. The individual finds himself the momentary epitome of every human potential. The keyword is reflection. When positive, the degree is high effectiveness in self-adjustment or real skill in meeting the crises of life, and when negative, complete inability to get down into immediate realities.”

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