New Moon in Taurus — May 11, 2021, 19:00 UT

The New Moon in Taurus is in conjunction with Mors-Somnus, a binary plutino named after the twin gods from Roman mythology, the personifications of death and sleep.

New Moon in Taurus
Mors-Somnus was discovered in 2007 by Scott Sheppard and Chad Trujillo. The orbital period of this binary is 243.67 years (a few years less than that of Pluto), the diameter is approximately 100 km, the two components have almost equal size, and their colors are indistinguishable from each other.

Sigmund Freud and Carl Gustav Jung were two famous pioneers of psychoanalysis. They both worked with dreams and the unconscious. Freud had his Mars tightly in conjunction with Mors-Somnus in Libra. C.G. Jung’s Mors-Somnus in Libra was in conjunction with Jupiter and sextile to Mars in Sagittarius.

The concepts of the collective unconscious, the archetypes, and synchronicity (an acausal connecting principle) were developed by Jung. These ideas can also be found in contemporary psychological astrology. Jung discovered that beneath the personal unconscious lies the collective unconscious, which consists of images and behavioral patterns accessible to all individuals and in all times. These archetypes are often found in art, mythology and fairy tales of different cultures, for example archetypes like the hero, the trickster, and the shadow. Jung believed that there are as many archetypes as there are typical situations in life.

Our dreams are the message carriers from the unconscious to our conscious mind. A dream is valid in the first place for the dreamer, but at the same time it can have a collective meaning. Jung studied both the dreams of his patients and his own, which altered and strengthened also his perceptions of life after death. He believed that through our dreams the unconscious can provide messages and hints about matters that we rationally cannot know anything about. Dream interpretation can also help us to understand our long ago forgotten instincts.

The Sabian symbol for the New Moon degree is Taurus 22 White dove over troubled waters. The dove is bringing a message. Dr. Marc Edmund Jones interprets: “This is a symbol of the clear direction or absolute orientation which comes to man from birth as a consequence of his indwelling spirit or divine heritage, whether or not there is any conscious co-operation with it on his part.”

Pay attention to your dreams and meaningful coincidences!

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