New Moon in Libra – Oct. 06, 2021, 11:05 UT
The New Moon occurs at 13+ degrees of Libra, the sign of personal relationships and balance. The New Moon is a conjunction of the Sun and the Moon, and this time there is also Mars in the conjunction, in the same degree with the New Moon. Mercury retrograde is in Libra too, moving towards the triplet. The triple conjunction of the Sun, Moon and Mars is forming a yod pattern with Uranus in Taurus and asteroid Pallas in Pisces.
Mercury stationed retrograde on Sept. 27 at 25+ Libra opposite Eris. The retrograding Mercury meets the Sun and Mars on Oct. 09 at 16+ Libra. Mercury represents communication and travelling.
Mars is the archetype of the warrior. It represents action, intention and courage. Planets are strong in their own sign. Mars rules Aries, but now in Libra it is opposite its home sign and uncomfortable there. Robert Hand has described, that “Mars in Libra does not know whether to go it alone and live its way, or try to get along in a Libran manner.”
The Moon has lot to do with bonding, security, and our instinctual feelings. The Moon-Mars combination can heighten emotional reactions and impulsiveness. This can pick even more power from the exact quincunx aspect to Uranus at 13+ degrees of Taurus.
Uranus is the planet of change and revolt, and sudden occurrences. Uranus wants to break the routines. The name Uranus does not correspond well with the astrological symbolism of Uranus, and it is commonly accepted among astrologers that a better name would have been Prometheus. In mythology Prometheus was a Titan god of fire and his name signifies “forethought”.
Also Pallas can be associated with forethought. But where the energy of Uranus is surprising and sudden, Pallas takes time for careful planning. Asteroid 2 Pallas is in quincunx to the New Moon. It is named after Pallas Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom, handicraft, and warfare. She was a warrior goddess who was born fully armed from the forehead of her father Zeus. Thus she has affinities with Mars, but she was also regarded as the protectress of the city of Athens. She is an excellent strategist and she plans her actions. She wants to please people. Pallas has an association with the sign Libra.
Asteroid 2 Pallas is the second asteroid to have been discovered, after 1 Ceres. It is the third-largest asteroid in the Solar System by both volume and mass, and is a likely remnant protoplanet. When Pallas was discovered in 1802, it was counted as a planet, as were other asteroids in the early 19th century. Pallas’s orbit is unusually highly inclined to the plane of the asteroid belt, and its orbital eccentricity is nearly as large as that of Pluto.
The yod aspect pattern occurs when there are two planets in sextile aspect to each other, and each of them is forming a quincunx (150º) to a third planet. The quincunx is an uncomfortable aspect causing friction and irritation. The apex of the yod is always worth of attention, and at this New Moon there are three planets in conjunction as the apex; the Sun, the Moon and Mars. The other participants of the yod are Uranus and Pallas.
The pandemic has affected our routines and relationships enormously. We urge to get rid of the restrictions. I am struggling trying to figure out how to get back to the normal, and if the timing is right, countless people all over the world are pondering the same now. The New Moon chart is not giving us literal answers, except perhaps that we need to find the right balance in our actions, but the chart is reflecting the image of the difficulty of that struggle.