Vernal Equinox – March 20, 2023, 21:25 UT
New Moon in Aries – March 21, 2023, 17:23 UT
A new astrological year begins, and what a start we will have! The Sun entered Aries on March 20, and the New Moon in the first degree of Aries follows on the next day. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23, 2023. The New Moon is in conjunction with Neptune and Borasisi in late Pisces and with Mercury and Manwë in early Aries.
Saturn changed signs already earlier in this month, and now it is Pluto’s turn. Pluto’s ingress is a slow process though. It will retrograde back to Capricorn in June, re-enter Aquarius again in January 2024, retrograde back to Capricorn again, and do the final ingress into Aquarius in November 2024. There are some interesting minor planet ingresses in progress too, namely those of Borasisi into Aries and Sedna into Gemini.
The trans-Neptunian Manwë is newly arrived in Aries. The ingress took place at the end of January. Manwë is actually a multiobject system, a contact binary consisting of Manwë and Thorondor, surrounded by rapidly orbiting moonlets. According to the official naming citation, “In J. R. R. Tolkien’s mythology, Manwë is foremost among the deities who rule the world. Manwë takes special responsibility for the air and winds. He resides in the Undying Lands across the western ocean from Middle Earth. For intelligence of events in Middle Earth, Manwë relies on the kingdom of eagles led by Thorondor.” The wise eagles were Manwë’s messengers. Tolkien wrote that Manwë “sees further than all other eyes, through mist, and through darkness, and over the leagues of the sea.”
Mercury too was the messenger of the gods. Mercury represents thoughts, speech, and communication. Mercury conjunct Manwë in Aries can mean forceful and direct communication, paying attention to details, whereas Borasisi and Neptune in Pisces can blur the message.
Neptune and Borasisi have a couple of things in common. They both were discovered exactly in the same degree at 25+ Aquarius, though 153 years apart. Neptune was discovered in 1846 and Borasisi in 1999. Deception and lies are the negative traits that are associated with Neptune. The trans-Neptunian Borasisi is named after the sun in the cosmogony of Bokononism described in Kurt Vonnegut’s novel Cat’s Cradle. The foundation of the fictional religion of Bokononism is based on living by the untruths that make one happy. The ingress of Borasisi into Aries starts in May and is completed in January 2025. Neptune and Borasisi will meet each other in the same degree at 2+ Aries in the summer of 2025, but their exact conjunction does not occur until in May 2026.
Last but not least is Sedna’s ingress into Gemini. Sedna, the primary symbol for climate change, enters Gemini for the first time in June, returns into Taurus in November, and then re-enters Gemini in April 2024. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) just published its report yesterday. Quoting the UN secretary general, António Guterres: “This report is a clarion call to massively fast-track climate efforts by every country and every sector and on every timeframe. Our world needs climate action on all fronts: everything, everywhere, all at once.”