Full Moon in Virgo — March 09, 2020, 17:48 UT
The Full Moon in Virgo is opposing the conjunction of the Sun and Neptune in Pisces. We are facing the fear that the rapidly spreading new disease COVID-19 is arousing.
Two first centaurs, Chiron and Pholus, are now in a square aspect. Pholus in Capricorn is conjunct the south node of the Moon and Chiron in Aries is exactly square the lunar nodes. Chiron squared Pholus on March 8, 2020. Astrologer Eric Francis noted recently that the astrology of the current mess is Chiron square Pholus. He described the energy of Pholus being “the metaphoric or literal genie coming out of the bottle.” Please click the following link to read the whole article: Pholus and the Pandemic of Panic.
Last week, Olli Vapalahti, the virology professor at the University of Helsinki, used the same metaphor, when he was interviewed about the coronavirus situation: “Getting the virus back into the bottle is quite difficult.”
Pluto and Eris are now in a square aspect. Eris is the goddess of strife and discord, and she was rejected because of this tendency of hers. A reflection of the symbolism of Eris can be seen in the situation of those people around the world that are now under a travel ban or quarantine because of the virus.
The Full Moon is in conjunction with the centaur 346889 Rhiphonos, which offers a protective image. 346889 Rhiphonos was discovered in 2009. The orbital period is around 35.8 years. In Greek mythology Rhiphonos was one of the twelve Dionysian Centaurs who drew the chariot of the infant Dionysus. Zeus had set them to guard his son Dionysus against Hera’s anger. Dionysus’s mother was a mortal woman, with whom Zeus had an affair. The Dionysian Centaurs were originally sprites, but when jealous Hera found out about their assistance, she transformed them into ox-horned centaurs. Later loyal Rhiphonos was one of the commanders of the centaurs who travelled with the adult Dionysus around the world.
Don’t let fear take over, and keep washing your hands.