Full Moon in Sagittarius – June 1, 2007, 01:04 UT

THE FULL MOON takes place at 10+ degrees Sagittarius. Sabian Symbol for Sagittarius 11 by Marc Edmund Jones: “The lamp of physical enlightenment at the left temple. This is a symbol of the enlarged understanding which comes from an inner and spiritual outreaching, and of the rewards following on a ceaseless experiment with one or another mode of self-expression. Here is self-orientation through a continual balancing of consequences and meanings in everyday activity and relationship. The world is seen as a laboratory for the soul, able to provide each individual with the reality he seeks for himself. The keyword is reconciliation.”

The Full Moon is in conjunction with Vesta and Jupiter, and the Moon squares the lunar nodes. The lunar nodes are the points where the apparent yearly path of the Sun and the monthly path of the Moon intersect as seen from Earth. Although eclipses can only take place when the Sun and Moon are at or near the nodes, there is a feeling of an eclipse with this Full Moon because of the tight square to the nodes.

The lunar nodes are the meeting point of the Sun, Moon and Earth. Melanie Reinhart writes on her website in the article Dragon’s Head and Dragon’s Tail: “The cosmic Father Sun and Mother Moon unite in the Divine Child incarnate, and thus the Nodes also represent where the opposites within us will demand balance, integration and fruition. Significantly, eclipses occur only along this axis, happening twice each year when the Sun, Moon and Earth are in precise alignment. Endings and beginnings are evoked as energies balance and rebalance.” She calls the points which square the nodes the “balance points.” In other words, anything that occupies the T-square points to the Nodes can facilitate balance.

Asteroid 69230 Hermes is conjunct the North Node. Asteroid Hermes was discovered in 1937, but then “lost” already before it received a number. Nevertheless, it was named after the Greek god Hermes and became the only unnumbered but named asteroid. In 2003 Hermes was rediscovered, and its orbit is well known today. Mythological Hermes is the Greek equivalent for Roman Mercury. He is the son of Zeus/Jupiter. He is a messenger from the gods to humans; likewise is his female counterpart, Iris.

The Sun-Moon opposition and the nodal axis form a Mutable Grand Cross. Using traditional sign rulers, the Moon in Sagittarius and the North Node in Pisces are both in signs ruled by Jupiter. The Sun in Gemini and the South Node in Virgo are both in signs ruled by Mercury. Let’s have a closer look at these two ruling planets.

Jupiter at 15+ degrees Sagittarius is strong in its own sign, and is not only conjunct this Full Moon, but also closely conjunct the Great Attractor at 14+ Sagittarius. I quote Eric Francis: “Anything involving the Great Attractor tends to have a polarizing effect, where two sides of a situation are seen; where people tend to choose sides; and where dualism is strongly emphasized. This is a distinct characteristic of the mutable signs, beginning with Gemini and with the dualistic property being just as strong in Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. The mutables are signs where you can pretty much count on an ‘equal and opposite reaction’ at any time.”

Mercury’s echo phase has just begun. Mercury opposes asteroid 1181 Lilith and Pluto. Astrologically asteroid Lilith has an affinity with planet Pluto. Pluto on the Galactic Core is the most elevated planet in the chart cast for The Hague, Netherlands. According to Eric Francis, asteroid Lilith represents “the original woman inside the woman. It is her deeper idea of herself and, in the chart of a man, his deeper idea of what a woman is, and how he relates to her.”

In this chart cast for The Hague the nodal axis falls in the 6th house-12th house polarity. In The Node Book Zipporah Pottenger Dobyns says about nodes placed either in Virgo-Pisces or 6th house-12th house polarity: “This polarity brings into confrontation the Virgo passion for taking the world apart in order to make it run more efficiently and the Pisces search for union with the whole and the inner peace found through this sense of connectedness of life. When successfully integrated, this nodal axis represents a deep dedication to the well-being of humanity.”

The Full Moon forms a sesquisquare aspect to Venus, the ruling planet of Libra, the sign associated with balance and harmonization. Venus forms an interesting stellium with three main belt asteroids, all of which have affinities with planets Mercury and Pluto: 42 Isis, 7 Iris and 407 Arachne. All three can also be associated with assembling or connecting things.

The Moon sesquisquares asteroid Isis and forms a biquintile to asteroid 1923 Osiris. The Sun semisquares Venus and Isis. Venus semisquares the South Node. Venus = Sun/South Node. Osiris is trining the North Node.

In Egyptian mythology Osiris was the husband of Isis. Set was his envious younger brother, who killed and dismembered Osiris’ body into 14 pieces and scattered them throughout the land. Isis gathered up all the parts of the body and reassembled the corpse, less the phallus, which was eaten by a fish. The gods were impressed by the devotion of Isis and restored Osiris to life as the god of the underworld. We can associate this myth with the lunar cycle, in which the Moon appears to be destroyed by darkness, and is then brought back to life again. It has also been said that Osiris’ body was dismembered into 13 parts, and each part represents one of the 13 Full Moons seen each year.

Among Martha Lang-Wescott’s keywords for asteroid Isis are sibling relationships; fragmentation; sense of needing to “get or put it together”; desire to make things whole. Isis collects the ingredients, she integrates and “makes sense of” things that may not seem to be related. Isis can cause one to look for “missing links” or that one more thing that will have “everything” fall into place.

The Sun in this chart forms a novile to Iris and to Arachne. Iris and Arachne are forming a septile to the South Node.

In Greek mythology Iris is the personification of the rainbow, the connection between heaven and earth, gods and mortals.

Arachne was a vain maiden who was a skilled weaver. She wove beautiful fabrics and claimed that her skill was greater than that of Athena, the goddess of weaving. Athena was angered and she warned Arachne not to offend the gods. They arranged a weaving contest. Arachne’s work was flawless, but she wove pictures, each one of which was an insult to the gods. Athena lost her temper; Arachne ran off and tried to hang herself. Athena took pity on Arachne, loosened the rope, which became a cobweb, and Arachne herself changed into a spider. She is now condemned to weave and spin forever.

According to Eric Francis, “Arachne deals with the conspiracies, interconnections, and networks that make up our lives, particularly our ‘love lives’ — though for this planet, any web will do. It offers some clues into the web of intrigue we are living.”

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