New Moon in Gemini — May 25, 2017, 19:46 UT
Thursday, May 25th, 2017The New Moon at 4+ degrees of Gemini is squaring one of the most interesting dwarf planets, the one still without a name, 2007 OR10.
2007 OR10 was discovered almost 10 years ago. Recent studies show that it is big. It is bigger than Haumea, and probably also bigger than Makemake. In size comparison it comes right after Pluto and Eris. Currently it is also the third-farthest known large body in the Solar System, after V774104 (103 AU) and Eris (96.3 AU), located around 87.5 AU from the Sun.
Why has 2007 OR10 not been named yet?
It was discovered in 2007 by Megan Schwamb, Mike Brown and David Rabinowitz. Mike Brown has explained in his blog: “It was just a normal Kuiper belt object found slightly far away. Bigger than most, but otherwise, as far as we knew, unremarkable.” They didn’t even write a press release, because at the time, Mike Brown could not think of anything interesting to write about it.
2007 OR10 turned out to be much more interesting than what originally was thought. The object had originally been nicknamed as “Snow White” for its presumed white color. However, 2007 OR10 was revealed to be one of the reddest objects in the Kuiper belt. It got brighter! It had actually been bright all along, but the discoverers had not realized it, because the observation conditions had been relatively poor. It has a satellite, which was detected in 2016.
According to the International Astronomical Union’s rules, the discoverer of a minor planet has the privilege to suggest a name for the planet in question for a period of ten years following the numbering of the object. This permanent number is given when the orbit of the minor planet is well enough determined so that the position can be reliably predicted into the future. 2007 OR10 received the permanent number in 2009, so Mike Brown has still two years left for his name suggestion.
There has been a petition in the internet for naming 2007 OR10 as R’hllor, also known as the Red God or the Lord of Light, from the HBO series Game of Thrones, based on novels written by George R. R. Martin.
George R. R. Martin has been called “the American Tolkien”. In his birth chart (Rodden Rating AA) 2007 OR10 is right at his 10th house cusp in Aquarius. The 10th house represents one’s career, greatest aspirations, and reputation. Astrologer Howard Sasportas writes in The Twelve Houses: “It is through the signs and planets here that we hope to attain achievement, honour and recognition. Placements in the 10th denote what we would most like to be remembered as having contributed to the world.”
In honor of the 10th birthday of 2007 OR10, I am expecting it to have a proper name by the end of this year. R’hllor could be a notable suggestion.