New Moon in Aquarius — January 24, 2020, 21:42 UT
Friday, January 24th, 2020There is a grand cross aspect pattern in the New Moon chart, formed by the Sun-Moon conjunction in Aquarius, Uranus in Taurus, Varuna in Leo, and Rhadamathus-Zhulong conjunction in Scorpio. Uranus and Zhulong promise a sudden change, Varuna and Rhadamanthus dispense justice.
20000 Varuna is a trans-Neptunian object discovered in 2000 and named after one of the oldest of the vedic deities, the maker and upholder of heaven and earth. Varuna deals with matters of truth, lies and keeping agreements. He “punishes those who sin without remorse, and forgives those who err with remorse.” Varuna has been described as a vast energy behind everything, and “the great equalizer”. He is calling us to take responsibility for our world.
38083 Rhadamanthus is another TNO. It was discovered in 1999 and named after a Greek mythological figure, the wise king of Crete, the son of Zeus and Europa. He had a great sense of justice, and because of that he became one of the judges of the dead.
472235 Zhulong is a scattered disc object discovered in 2014 and named in 2019 from Chinese mythology. Zhulong was a giant red solar dragon with a human face and scarlet serpent body. It controlled the day and night of the world by opening and closing its eyes. Zhulong has been called also the Torch Dragon, since he was described in some of the classic texts as carrying a torch.
The Sabian symbol for Scorpio 4, the current degree of Zhulong, is also talking about shine. The symbol is “A youth holding a lighted candle.” The first image that came into my mind was the face of Greta Thunberg (born Jan. 3, 2003), the Swedish teenage environmental activist, who is at the moment attending the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. Greta has natally a centaur called Okyrhoe at 3+ degrees of Taurus. This means that the current New Moon along with Uranus and the aforementioned trans-Neptunian minor planets in the grand cross configuration are all transiting her natal Okyrhoe.
52872 Okyrhoe is a centaur orbiting between Jupiter and Saturn. It was discovered in 1998 and named after Ocyrhoe, the nymph daughter of Chiron and Chariklo. She was a prophetess who was transformed into a horse for revealing the secrets of the gods. Her ability to speak was thus taken.
I’m hoping that in Greta’s case the current transits to her natal Okyrhoe are pushing it to the opposite direction, finally letting her get her message through to the world leaders. According to astrologer Mark Andrew Holmes, “Okyrhoe seems to indicate being criticized or attacked, being able to cope with attacks or unpopularity, ability to stand up for one’s beliefs or principles.”
Greta Thunberg’s natal Sun at 12+ degrees of Capricorn is in close conjunction with her Chiron. The transiting Jupiter at 12+ Capricorn is now right over her natal Sun-Chiron conjunction. Jupiter is the planet of growth and expansion. It was traditionally known as the “greater benefic”. A Jupiter transit is usually good and makes things work out well. Hopefully it will strengthen Greta’s role as a teacher and healer. She said in Davos:
“Since last summer, I’ve been repeating these numbers over and over again in almost every speech. But honestly, I don’t think I have once seen any media outlets or person in power communicate this and what it means. I know you don’t want to report about this. I know you don’t want to talk about this, but I assure you I will continue to repeat these numbers until you do.”