Summer Solstice – June 21, 2021, 03:32 UT
Thursday, June 24th, 2021Full Moon in Capricorn — June 24, 2021, 18:40 UT
In many parts of the Northern hemisphere, including Finland, people are sweating under a heat dome. The severe heatwave arrived early, fueled by global warming. We are facing the consequences of climate change.
The Sun entered Cancer on June 21, 2021. The summer solstice is the longest day in the Northern hemisphere. Saturn in Aquarius is square to Uranus in Taurus. The Moon was in Scorpio, opposing Uranus. In the solstice chart Mercury at the middle degrees of Gemini was still retrograding. It stationed direct the next day, on June 22. The Full Moon in Capricorn takes place on June 24. The Sun is conjunct centaur Echeclus in early Cancer and trine Jupiter in Pisces.
60558 Echeclus was discovered in March 2000 and initially classified as a minor planet. In December 2005 a large chunk of Echeclus broke off, possibly caused by an impact, and a cometary coma was detected. The body was given also the cometary designation 174P/Echeclus. Echeclus burst out again in 2011 and in 2017. It last came to perihelion in April 2015. Typically, when a comet approaches the Sun, the ice vaporizes and the coma shows. Also centaur Chiron is classified as both a minor planet and a comet. The orbital period of Echeclus is 35 years and its orbit crosses the orbit of Saturn.
Echeclus was named from Greek mythology after one of the centaurs that fought with the Lapiths at King Pirithous’s wedding. The centaurs were guests at the party, but they got drunk and tried to abduct the bride and other women. Echeclus was killed by the Lapith Ampyx, the son of Ophion, who had thrust his lance that lacked its point into the face of Echeclus.
When the cult film Fight Club was released at the Venice International Film Festival on Sept. 10, 1999, the Sun was in conjunction with Mercury and Echeclus in Virgo. The film is based on Chuck Palahniuk’s novel of the same name. Plahniuk (born Feb. 21, 1962) has the Sun-Chiron conjunction in Pisces. His Sun is in tight opposition to Echeclus in Virgo.
The director David Fincher (born Aug. 28, 1962) has a Sun-Echeclus conjunction in Virgo in his chart. He is a perfectionist and demands one retake after another to capture a scene perfectly. Fincher’s Sun-Echeclus conjunction is sextile Mars in Cancer and opposing Jupiter and Chiron in Pisces. Martyrdom and alienation are examples of themes in his film. The characters are often troubled and flawed, and they act on their dark, inner impulses. “We sort of attach the sinister to the mundane in order to make things interesting… I think it’s also because in order for something to be evil, it almost has to cloak itself as something else,” has Fincher explained.
At the time of the release of the film, the transiting Jupiter in Taurus was trine to David Fincher’s Sun-Echeclus conjunction in Virgo and sextile his Mars in Cancer.
Fight Club starred Brad Pitt (born Dec. 18, 1963) and Edward Norton (born Aug. 18, 1969). Brad Pitt was having his Echeclus return during the filming and at the time of the release. Pitt’s natal Echeclus is in exact conjunction with his Pluto in Virgo and trine to his Mercury in Capricorn.
Edward Norton’s Echeclus is conjunct Jupiter in Libra, opposite Chiron in Aries, and novile (40º) his Sun in Leo. When Fight Club was released, the transiting Echeclus was right at his Midheaven at 14+ degrees of Virgo. The transiting Mars in Sagittarius was sextile to his natal Jupiter-Echeclus conjunction.
Another interesting case study is the release of the film Face/Off on June 27, 1997. The director John Woo (born May 1, 1946) has natally Echeclus conjunct Mercury in Aries, sextile Uranus in Gemini, and opposite Chiron in Libra. Chaos in Pisces is exactly squaring his nodal axis of the Moon. Woo’s films are action films and he is known for highly chaotic action sequences.
At the time of the release of Face/Off, Echeclus was in the beginning of Virgo. The transiting Echeclus was square to Woo’s natal Venus in Gemini, sesquiquadrate (135º) to his natal Mercury-Echeclus conjunction in Aries, and formed a semisquare aspect (45º) to his Chiron in Libra. The semisquare and the sesquiquadrate belong to the same family of challenging aspects with the square and the opposition. They are not weak aspects, if the orbs are tight.
Nicholas Cage (born Jan.7, 1964) and John Travolta (born Feb. 18, 1954) played the leading roles in Face/Off. In Nicholas Cage’s chart Echeclus is conjunct Pluto in Virgo and trine the Sun in Capricorn. When the film was released, the transiting Echeclus was in sesquiquadrate aspect to his Sun in Capricorn.
John Travolta has natally Uranus in conjunction with Echeclus in Cancer. At the time of the release of Face/Off, the transiting Echeclus in early Virgo was opposing his Sun in the last degree of Aquarius and his Venus in early Pisces.
Face/Off was written by Mike Werb (born June 21, 1977) and Michael Colleary (born Jan.1, 1953). Michael Colleary’s Echeclus is in exact conjunction with Uranus in Cancer. They are opposite the Sun-Chiron conjunction in Capricorn. His Mars in Pisces is sesquiquadrate to the Echeclus-Uranus conjunction in Cancer.
In Mike Werb’s chart Echeclus in Sagittarius is opposite his Mercury in Gemini and with wider orb also opposite his Sun in the first degree of Cancer. The transiting Echeclus in early Virgo at the time of the release of Face/Off was sextile his natal Sun.
Mike Werb is also the screenwriter of The Mask, which was released on July 29, 1994. The transiting Echeclus was then in Leo sextile to Werb’s natal Mercury in Gemini and trine to his natal Echeclus in Sagittarius. It was also in conjunction with the North node of the Moon of Jim Carrey, who starred The Mask. Carrey’s performance helped his way to superstardom.