Full Moon in Taurus / Partial Lunar Eclipse – Nov. 19, 2021, 08:57 UT
Friday, November 19th, 2021The Full Moon at 27+ degrees Taurus is a partial lunar eclipse. The Moon and the Scorpio Sun are square to Jupiter and Damocles in Aquarius. The Moon is in conjunction with Sedna at 28+ degrees of Taurus. Sedna is named in honor of the Inuit goddess of the sea, who lives at the bottom of the frigid Arctic Ocean.
The 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow has ended. The conference has been criticized a lot. The future actions will determine if it was a success or a failure. I think it is important that the leaders of the world gather on a regular basis to consider the situation.
The global warming rate is most rapid in the Northern Hemisphere. For example, since the mid-1800s, Finland’s annual average temperature has already increased by more than two degrees Celsius. In the Arctic region glaciers and sea ice are melting. The lunar eclipse in Taurus in conjunction with Sedna is emphasizing the importance of the work that all nations must do.
When Sedna was discovered in 2003, nothing of its kind had been seen before. Its orbit is extremely elongated and it takes about 11,400 years from Sedna to orbit around the Sun. The solar system turned out to be different from what we believed before. Discoverer Mike Brown has described Sedna as the most scientifically important trans-Neptunian object found, because understanding its unusual orbit is likely to yield valuable information about our Solar System.
Sedna has given its name to a population of similar kinds of distant minor bodies like itself, but so far only two besides Sedna have been discovered, namely “Biden” (2012 VP113) in 2012 and Leleākūhonua in 2015. Possibly there are many more sednoids. The sednoids belong to the category of ETNOs (the extreme trans-Neptunian objects). Astronomers suspect that a yet undiscovered planet in the outer solar system, Planet Nine, is shepherding these distant bodies into similar type orbits.
In Inuit mythology, Sedna is the goddess of the Arctic Ocean, and she rules the sea animals. If she is not respected, she sends storms and starvation. Then a shaman must visit her and comb her black tangled hair and calm her down. When she is happy again, she releases her sea creatures and allows people use them for food. The myth of Sedna is told with many variations, and according to one of them, before becoming a goddess, Sedna was a young girl with an enormous appetite, who even tried to eat her father’s arm. I can easily associate this with the greedy humankind, which is exploiting Mother Earth.
Astrologically Sedna can be linked to climate change. The World Ocean Conference 2009 raised awareness of the importance of oceans in climate change. It was an international conference held in Indonesia from May 11 to May 14, 2009, in order to develop a common understanding and firm commitment to address the impact of climate change on the state of the world’s oceans. When the conference started on May 11, the Sun was conjunct Sedna in Taurus. The big astrological event of 2009 was the triple conjunction of Chiron, Jupiter and Neptune in Aquarius. The conjunction is tight in the conference chart.
Sedna will come to perihelion in 2076. Perihelion is the point nearest to the Sun in the path of an orbiting celestial body. Hopefully the mankind has succeeded in the combat against the global warming long before, and Sedna will be happy. Cooperation was essential in Inuit culture for survival, and it is essential now for the survival of our planet.