Dr. Michael Brown presented the discovery of Sedna at a press conference held twenty years ago, on March 15, 2004. Last month Sedna entered from Taurus to Gemini. This Full Moon in Sagittarius is the first Full Moon after the sign change and the first in more than 11,000 years with Sedna in Gemini.
The Sun in early Gemini is in conjunction not only with Sedna, but also with centaur 39P/Oterma in Gemini, and Venus and Jupiter in Taurus.

One of the most remarkable new celestial bodies that has been found in our solar system on the 21st century is Sedna. It was discovered in November 2003 by an American team led by astronomer Mike Brown, and it came into our consciousness in March 2004 when Mike Brown held a press conference about the matter. At the time Sedna was the most distant and largest object found in the solar system after the discovery of Pluto, and its orbit around the Sun was in its own class.
In astronomer Mike Brown’s natal chart (born June 5, 1965, 02:35 p.m. CST +6:00, Huntsville, AL), Venus in the last degree of Gemini is in exact sextile to Sedna in the last degree of Aries. When Sedna was discovered, it was at 17+ degrees of Taurus (telescope image on Nov. 14, 2003, 06:32:57 UT +0:0, Palomar Mountain, CA) transiting Brown’s Neptune in Scorpio, his Mars in Virgo, and Saturn in Pisces. His solar arc directed Sedna progressed to the discovery day was in conjunction with his radix Mercury at 7+ degrees of Gemini.

Because this new minor planet was the farthest and coldest place in the solar system, it was named from Inuit mytholgy after Sedna, the goddess who lived at the bottom of the Arctic Ocean. Sedna created marine animals. Mike Brown has described the object as the most scientifically important discovery beyond Neptune, because understanding its unusual orbit will likely yield valuable information on the origin and early evolution of our solar system. Remarkable things have already been learned. The myth and astrology of Sedna can help us understand also the future of our planet and our own influence on it. Sedna is both astronomically and astrologically current and significant.
The myth
In mytholgy Sedna was a beautiful young girl who lived with her father. Sedna had many suitors, but she rejected them all. The family was short of food, so when the next hunter that appeared to be well-to-do came to propose to Sedna and assured that he would take good care of her, the father promised his daughter to him. The man took the girl to his home island, where she realized that the groom in fact was a bird disguised as a man, and he offered Sedna nothing but a nest on a rock and raw fish for food. Sedna’s father heard her cries for help and came to rescue her with his kayak. The bird went after them and with his wingbeats raised a terrible storm, which almost overturned the kayak. In his distress, and to save himself, Sedna’s father threw the girl into the icy sea. She tried to cling to the side of the kayak, but her father chopped her icy fingers off, so she could not hold on anymore. Her fingers became the seals, walruses and whales. Hurt and enraged, Sedna sank to the bottom of the ocean and transformed into a mighty goddess of the sea. Without her fingers, Sedna is no more able to clean her hair, so the unhappy Sedna raises storms and prevents people from getting food from the sea. The shaman must then visit her at the bottom of the sea and comb her entangled hair. Then Sedna calms down and sends seafood again to feed people.
There are various slightly different versions of the myth. In one of them, Sedna was a girl with a huge appetite. She even tried to gnaw her father’s arm while he was sleeping. According to another, Sedna can not only prevent people from getting their livelihood from the sea, but also send them disease.1) One of the most impressive, in my opinion, tells that peope’s ingratitude, broken promises and sins accumulate in Sedna’s hair. When the burden becomes too great, Sedna sends hunger and disease to the people. A shaman must then descend to her to comb her hair. When the shaman returns, the community gathers around him. One by one, people confess their transgressions, including crimes against nature. After the secrets have been revealed, Sedna is satisfied again and releases the seafood for the nourishment of the people.2)
Sedna astronomically
For its size, Sedna is probably a dwarf planet. It is one of the reddest objects, almost as red as Mars. Sedna orbits the Sun beyond the Kuiper belt, in the farthest reaches of our solar system. The orbit is an extremely elongated ellipse, and in terms of time, one revolution of Sedna takes no less than 11,400 years. Even when it is closest to the Sun in its orbit (perihelion), it does not come close to Neptune, nor does it touch the Kuiper belt. Sedna will enter perihelion in 2076. It has been proposed to send a spacecraft to study it as it approaches.
The last time Sedna in its orbit was at this same phase, the Earth was just melting and the climate was warming after the last ice age. At the end of the ice age, Finland was largely covered by water, and ice still covered at least Lapland. Estonia was probably already settled, but Finland was settled a little later.
In the astrological chart, Sedna’s long orbit shows up in its own way. Sedna spent about 230 years in Pisces and 100 years in Aries. In 2023 Sedna started change signs. In April 2024, it proceeded from Taurus to Gemini after spending about 56 years in Taurus. It will be 43 years in Gemini, and 40 years in Cancer, where it is closest to the Sun. After that, the time spent in each sign begins to increase again, until thousands of years pass in the opposite signs of the chart. Now that Sedna is close to the Sun, we can receive its transits, but while it is moving extremely slowly in the farthest parts of its orbit, it is like a fixed star. So we are now living in completely unprecedented times!
So far, two more objects like Sedna have been found, and there are probably many more. Together the three already discovered form the class of sednoids, which is one of the subgroups of ETNOs (extreme trans-Neptunian objects). The orbits of some bodies do not seem random, but as if they were influenced by a previously unknown planet in the solar system. Calculations based on computer modeling support the existence of a planet with an assumed mass of ten times the mass of the Earth, but with a telescope “Planet Nine” has not yet been observed. Astronomers, Mike Brown in the lead, continue their search.
The astrological Sedna
Karen Hamaker-Zondag is one of the first astrologers to study Sedna and publish her thoughts on it. She has stated:
”…the discovery of the new planets are part of the bigger movements in the collective unconscious. As above, so below! The discovery of so many new objects is truly important in our time, and astrologers should address that. As the collective unconscious contains the archetypes, we have to consider the question whether Cheiron, Pholus and Nessus (Centaurs) and Sedna are archetypal. I think they are, not only because they are images in real myth, which makes them already archetypal, but also because their stories do reflect human issues.”3)
In the birth chart of Karen Hamaker-Zondag (born Dec. 2, 1952, 01:30 p.m. CET -1:00, Schiedam, Netherlands) Sedna is at 24+ degrees of Aries sextile to the Moon in Gemini, trine Pluto in Leo, and opposite the Saturn-Neptune conjunction in Libra.
The myth of Sedna and its many variations offer plenty of material for interpretation. The extremely long orbit of the planet refers to experiences spanning over generations and to collectivity. One of the strongest topics is the consequences of human greed and disregard for nature, i.e. climate change and related phenomena.
The purpose of the World Ocean Conference held in Indonesia May 11-14, 2009, was to raise awareness of the impact of climate change on the state of the oceans and to develop a common understanding and firm commitment to sustainable development for the oceans. The most important astrological event of 2009 was the triple conjunction of Jupiter, Neptune and Chiron in Aquarius. The conjunction was precise in May. On the opening day of the conference, May 11, 2009, the Sun and Sedna were in conjunction in Taurus, and they squared the triple conjunction of Jupiter, Neptune and Chiron in Aquarius.
Water and arctic cold are the elements of Sedna. A strongly aspected Sedna in a personal chart can mean an interest in the arctic region or in things related to the sea, or perhaps just simply a strong attraction to northern landscapes.
For example, the Finnish singer Antti Tuisku (born Feb. 27, 1984, Rovaniemi, Finland), the “son of the north”, has talked about his strong longing for his home region in the north, where he needs to return regularly to recharge his batteries. According to his own description, Rovaniemi is a safe harbor for him, which reminds him of the most important and essential things in life.4) Antti Tuisku’s Jupiter in Capricorn is in a trine to Sedna in Taurus, emphasizing Sedna’s importance in his life. Jupiter is also loosely conjunct Neptune, the ruler of his Sun sign. Tuisku’s Pisces Sun is sextile to Jupiter and Sedna, in other words his Sun is at the midpoint of Jupiter and Sedna, connecting the meaning of these planets to his selfhood.
Environmental activism
The publication of Silent Spring in 1962 by the American marine biologist and author Rachel Carson (born May 27, 1907, 02:00 a.m. EST +5, Springdale, Pennsylvania) is often considered the beginning of the global environmental movement. In her book Carson tells about the migration of chemical pesticides in the ecosystem and their effects on human health and nature. The book influenced the banning of DDT use in the United States. In Rachel Carson’s radix chart, Sedna is in the 1st house in Aries. It is the apex of a T-cross. It squares Uranus in Capricorn and the Ceres-Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Cancer. Pholus in Libra completes the pattern as a Grand cross. Pholus is a centaur planet which is, among other things, associated with poisons. Carson’s Mercury in Gemini is sextile to Sedna.
The New Yorker magazine started publisihing Silent Spring in serial format on June 16, 1962.5) At that time, Sedna was transiting in late Aries, squaring Rachel Carson’s nodes of the Moon on the Cancer/Capricorn axis. Carson’s solar arc directed Sedna was in Gemini in conjunction with her natal Sun. Her solar arc directed Sun in turn was in late Cancer conjunct her natal North node of the Moon. The book became a sales success.
The United Nations’s International Mother Earth Day is celebrated annually on April 22 with the aim of organizing civic activities for the benefit of clean nature and environment. The day emphasizes living in harmony with nature. The anniversary dates back to the 1970s, when student Denis Hayes coordinated the first Earth Day celebration in the United States. When the first Earth Day was celebrated on April 22, 1970, the Sun was in conjunction with Sedna in early Taurus. Jupiter in Scorpio was opposing the conjunction.6)
The goal of the international environmental organization Greenpeace is to ensure the Earth’s ability to sustain life in all its diversity. The predecessor of the organization was the Don’t Make A Wave committee founded in 1970. The name was later changed to Greenpeace Foundation (May 4, 1972, Vancouver, Canada). The organization itself considers its activities to have already started when the fishing vessel Phyllis Cormack, hired by the Don’t Make A Wave committee, set off on a sea voyage towards Alaska to protest the United States’ nuclear tests (Sept. 15, 1971, Vancouver, Canada). At both of the aforementioned times, Sedna was in early Taurus. When Phyllis Cormack took off, the nurturing Ceres in the last degree of Cancer was square to Sedna. Mercury, the patron of messengers and travelers, was in Virgo trine to Sedna, and the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Sagittarius (a long sea voyage) formed a quincunx to Sedna. At the time of the name change the following year, Sedna was square to the Moon’s nodal axis.
Jim Bohlen (July 4, 1926 – July 5, 2010) and Robert Hunter (October 13, 1941 – May 2, 2005), who are among the founding members of Greenpeace, took part in the Phyllis Cormack’s trip to Alaska. Jim Bohlen’s birth chart has a conjunction of Mars and Sedna in Aries. It squares the Sun-Pluto conjunction at the North node of the Moon in Cancer. At the time of the sea voyage and the establishment of the organization, Sedna was transiting Bohlen’s Chiron in early Taurus. Robert Hunter also has a Mars-Sedna conjunction in Aries. Hunter’s radix Sun in Libra is in exact opposition to his Sedna. Additionally, Jupiter in Gemini is sextile to Sedna. When Phyllis Cormack left Vancouver, the Sun transited at Hunter’s North node of the Moon and squared his Jupiter.
Terry A. Simmons (April 12, 1946 – Nov. 14, 2020) was not one of the founding members of Greenpeace, but he had been involved in the activities of the Don’t Make A Wave committee and also participated the trip to Alaska. Simmons has an exact Sun-Sedna conjunction in Aries, to which Jupiter in Libra is exactly in opposition.
Paul Watson (born Dec. 2, 1950, Toronto, Canada) is an internationally known environmental activist who has been defending dolphins and trying to prevent illegal whaling. He is one of the founders of Greenpeace. In Watson’s birth chart, there is a Fire grand trine formed by Sedna in Aries, Pluto in Leo, and the Mercury-Chiron-Pallas conjunction in Sagittarius (Pallas, the master of tactics). Sedna is square to Mars in Capricorn and in opposition to Neptune in Libra. The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, founded by Watson, has even been accused of eco-terrorism because of the tactics it has used.
Polar expeditions
Myths hardly ever come literally true in anyone’s life. When Mike Brown revealed in the press conference on March 15, 2004, that Sedna had been discovered, we in Finland were amazed, because we were currently following the days-long search of the French-Finnish polar explorer Dominick Arduin, who moved to Finland about 15 years earlier. She disappeared at Arctic Cape, from which a route through the frozen open sea to the geographical North Pole leads. Arduin wanted to be the first woman to reach the North Pole by skiing alone. The incident had some uncanny similarities to the myth of Sedna.
Dominick Arduin’s previous attempt to the North Pole in March 2003 had been aborted after she fell into freezing water. Due to frostbite, several of her toes had to be amputated. Global warming affects the decrease of sea ice, and the sea was not frozen properly. A huge area of open water had to be crossed by kayak first. Arduin started her second attempt on March 5, 2004, but contact with her was lost the very next day. It is believed that she sank in the Arctic Ocean. The helicopter searches ended without success on March 21, 2004.
In Dominick Arduin’s birth chart (Feb. 7, 1960, Paris, France – March 2004) the Sun is at 17+ degrees Aquarius. Her Sedna at 26+ degrees Aries is in exact aspect to several of her planets, so it’s no wonder she was drawn to the north. Sedna is in sextile to Mercury and Chiron in Aquarius, trine to Jupiter in Sagittarius, and also in aspect to the nodes of the Moon in Virgo and Pisces, all the aforemetioned planets in 26+ degrees of their signs.
Astronomer Mike Brown first observed Sedna in telescope images taken on Nov. 14, 2003. Interestingly, a few days earlier — and while Arduin was already busy preparing for his second attempt — on Nov. 9, 2003, a Sedna-colored total lunar eclipse took place at 16+ degrees Taurus. The eclipsed Moon was conjunct Sedna at the North node of the Moon and quincunx Pluto in Sagittarius. The lunar eclipse and Sedna made a tight transit square to Arduin’s radix Sun and in addition the transiting Pluto made a sextile to it.
The last weak signal from Dominick Arduin’s satellite transmitter was heard on March 6, 2004, at 06:36 UT.7) At that time, a small centaur-like minor planet named Damocles was transiting at 16+ Aquarius conjunct her Sun. The sword of Damocles is initially a metaphor for the insecurity of those in power, and how power can suddenly be lost. The meaning has broadened to generally mean a sudden and previously undetected threat. The slow moving Sedna was still at 17+ degrees Taurus squaring Arduin’s Sun. When her natal chart is progressed to the date of the disappearance using the solar arc method, the progressed Damocles is at 26+ degrees Aquarius in aspect to all those planets that are located at 26+ degrees in her natal chart. Her progressed Sun is found at the Aries point. Although Dominick Arduin didn’t make the record she was aiming for, she gained fame nonetheless, unfortunately due to her dramatic disappearance.
The only Finn who has reached both poles without external support is Kari “Poppis” Suomela (born Aug. 29, 1966, Somero, Finland). He has also been at the magnetic North Pole and skied through Greenland. Sedna was heavily involved in his polar expeditions. In Suomela’s chart, Mars in early Leo activates Sedna in the first degree of Taurus with a square. Neptune in Scorpio is conjunct the nodal axis of the Moon, and the Uranus-Pluto conjunction in Virgo is trine to the North node of the Moon in Taurus.
Poppis Suomela’s conquest of the geographic North Pole was made as a member of a group of the Paratrooper Guild, which set off from Canada on March 5, 2006. The Finnish flag was raised on the pole 56 days later on April 29, 2006. On the starting day, there was a T-cross in the chart formed by Jupiter in Scorpio, Neptune in Aquarius and Sedna in Taurus, all at 18+ degrees of their signs. The transiting Jupiter-Sedna opposition aligned with Suomela’s nodal axis, Sedna at the North node and Jupiter conjunct Suomela’s Neptune. Suomela’s solar arc directed Jupiter was conjunct his radix Sun at 5+ degrees of Virgo. On the starting day the transiting Mars was conjunct his solar arc directed Sedna at 8+ degrees Gemini, and exactly at the midpoint of the Sun and Mars of the the flag raising day.
Poppis Suomela began his skiing to the South Pole with another polar explorer on Nov. 11, 2008, and they reached it 44 days later on Christmas Eve 2008. Neptune and Sedna move very slowly, so at the beginning of this expedition too, there was a T-cross involving Neptune and Sedna. This time the Sun was in Scorpio instead of Jupiter.The planets transited Suomela’s nodal axis. It received transits also from Jupiter in Capricorn and the opposition of Saturn and Uranus on the Virgo/Pisces axis. Suomela’s solar arc directed Uranus at the first degree of Scorpio was opposite his radix Sedna in Taurus.
The Challenger Expedition between 1872 and 1876, led by Captain George Nares (April 24, 1831 – Jan. 15, 1915), was the first major scientific oceanographic expedition and is considered to have laid the foundation for marine science. Oceanography is a multidisciplinary field that aims to understand and predict ocean phenomena. HMS Challenger set sail from Portsmouth, England, on Dec. 21, 1872. During the voyage thousands of new species were discovered, the deepest known point on the sea floor, the Challenger Deep in the Pacific Ocean, was explored for the first time ever, and the ship even got close to Antarctica.
In George Nares’s birth chart, Sedna is heavily aspected at 23+ degrees of Pisces. It is sextile to Mercury in Taurus and square to Mars in Gemini. There are two Yod aspect patterns, also known as the finger of God aspect pattern, in the chart (two planets are in sextile with each other and both form a quincunx to a third). Sedna is involved in the first Yod pattern, being sextile to Neptune in Capricorn. Saturn in Leo is the apex of the Yod, forming quincunxes to Neptune and Sedna. The second Yod is formed by Mars, Saturn and Neptune, and Neptune is the apex of it.
When HMS Challenger set off on its journey on Dec. 21, 1872, Sedna was at the Aries point, reflecting the significant social effects of the oceanographic expedition. Sedna was square to the Sun in Capricorn, sextile to the North node of the Moon in Gemini, trine to Uranus in Leo, and in quincunx to Jupiter in Virgo. Captain Nares’s Sedna, progressed to that date by the solar arc method, was impressively in early Taurus in conjunction with his radix Sun. His solar arc directed Uranus was in Pisces conjunct his radix Sedna.
As Captain Nares had previous experience in the Arctic, he was transferred from the Challenger project to lead the British Arctic Expedition in 1875 – 1876. HMS Alert and HMS Discovery set sail from Portsmouth on May 29, 1875, at 16:00. The captain mentions the time in his Narrative of a voyage to the Polar Sea.8) Although the expedition failed in its goal of reaching the North Pole, Nares nevertheless became the first explorer whose ship sailed all the way north through the channel between Greenland and Ellesmere Island. At the time of the departure, Sedna was strongly present in the chart again. After the Challenger Expedition, it had moved about one degree forward in early Aries. Mars in Capricorn was square to Sedna and trine to the Venus-Neptune conjunction in Taurus. Neptune was transiting conjunct Nares’s Taurus Sun, the Moon in Pisces was transiting over his radix Sedna, and transiting Jupiter in Libra was square to his radix-Neptune.
The Challenger Deep is named after Captain Nares’s ship. The depression extends about 11 km below the water surface, so the huge water pressure makes exploring it challenging. One of the few who have visited the bottom is the director James Cameron (born Aug. 16, 1954, Kapuskasing, Canada). On March 25, 2012, he descended alone in a small diving device called Deepsea Challenger, exploring the ocean floor for a few hours. At the time, Venus and Sedna were in conjunction in Taurus. In Cameron’s birth chart, there is a Fire grand trine formed by Sedna in Aries, the Sun-Pluto conjunction in Leo, and Mars in Sagittarius. Neptune in Libra completes the Grand trine into a Kite pattern. Astrologer Sue Tompkins has noted that people with the Fire grand trine often seem to be protected in dangerous situations, and they frequently are unaware of any risks involved.9)
Cameron’s submarine reached the bottom on March 25, 2012, at 21:52 UT. The Venus-Sedna conjunction in Taurus made a transit square to Cameron’s radix Sun and Pluto, and formed a temporary Yod with his radix Neptune and Mars. The chart cast for the time of the descent has an Aries ascendant, with Ceres rising nearby and transiting conjunct Cameron’s radix Sedna.
James Cameron was fascinated by diving long before he descended into the depths of the Challenger Deep. He produced and directed the movie Titanic in the late 1990s. The film crew visited the actual wreck of the Titanic numerous times for the filming. Cameron has said that he didn’t particularly want to make a movie, but to dive on the shipwreck.10)
Titanic won eleven Oscars and remained the world’s financially most successful film for twelve years. At the time of the Hollywood premiere on Dec. 14, 1997, Sedna was in the middle degrees of Taurus in an exact trine to the North node of the Moon. The transiting Jupiter in Aquarius was opposing Cameron’s Mercury-Sun-Pluto conjunction in Leo. The transiting Sun-Mercury conjunction in Sagittarius was conjunct Cameron’s Mars and trine to his Sedna.
Svalbard Global Seed Vault
Global warming due to the effect of climate change is faster in arctic regions than in other parts of the world. In May 2010, at the time of the New Moon, I noted that Sedna was not happy that spring. An oil rig had exploded in the Gulf of Mexico in April and it was still spewing oil into the sea. The biggest oil spill in history had catastrophic consequences for nature and the inhabitants of the local coasts.
The New Moon in Taurus on May 14, 2010, was in conjunction with Sedna, which was at the midpoint of Venus and Eris and in an exact square to Damocles in Aquarius (a threatening situation). In addition, in the New Moon chart, Ceres (the goddess of grain and harvest) and Pluto (the god of the underworld) were in conjunction. Chiron had just entered Pisces and was conjunct Neptune. On the same day, Svalbardposten, the local newspaper published in Svalbard, reported that it was too warm in the Svalbard Seed Vault and that there was a water intrusion in its tunnels.
The seeds of all the different crops in the world are stored in the ”doomsday” vault in case of climate change, nuclear war and other situations that lead to the destruction of agriculture. Seeds of traditional Finnish crops have also been delivered there, including the barley variety needed in the production of Koskenkorva spirit. Preservation of the genetic material of the seeds is important. The seeds must be frozen, and they are supposed to remain safe inside the permafrost of the Svalbard. However, Svalbard has since been found to be the fastest warming place on Earth.11)
The cornerstone of the seed vault was laid on June 19, 2006. The North node of the Moon was at the Aries point, symbolizing a future-oriented event affecting both an individual and the whole of humanity. The Sun was in late Gemini conjunct asteroid DNA (genes), in opposition to Pluto (underground vault) and in trine to Ceres (seeds) in Aquarius. In the sign of Aquarius, Damocles was conjunct Neptune and square to Sedna in Taurus (Sedna warns of a watery threat).
The opening of the Svalbard Seed Vault was on Feb. 26, 2008. Pluto had entered Capricorn and squared the Aries point. In Taurus, the exact Ceres-Sedna conjunction was opposite asteroid DNA in Scorpio and squared the Chiron-Damocles conjunction in Aquarius. The signs of danger could have been read on these charts. The seed vault has had similar problems later as well. Efforts have been made to improve the safety of the vault.
Sedna wants to be heard. If we ignore her warnings, we may face her wrath. Nature takes care of us, but it also has the ability to destroy. In Inuit culture, people lived on the terms of nature, and cooperation was essential. It is the same for us if we want to preserve our planet for future generations.
1) Jennifer T. Gehl, The Return of Planet Sedna, Healing Arts Press 2019
2) Karen Hamaker-Zondag, Sedna, The Centre for Psychological Astrology 2007 / Astro Logos Ltd 2007
3) Karen Hamaker-Zondag, Sedna, The Centre for Psychological Astrology 2007 / Astro Logos Ltd 2007
4) https://www.seiska.fi/Telkkari 2.4.2022
5) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silent_Spring
6) https://www.earthday.org/history/
7) Saariselän Sanomat
8) George Nares: Narrative of a voyage to the Polar Sea during 1875–76 in H.M. ships ‘Alert’ and ‘Discovery’’
9) Sue Tompkins, The Contemporary Astrologer’s Handbook, Flare Publications 2006
10) Interview of James Cameron in the Playboy magazine in December 2009
11) NCCS report no. 1/2019 Climate in Svalbard 2100